How Do I Make My Canary Bird Sing?

How to make a male canary bird sing?

How Do I Make My Canary Bird Sing?

Many nature lovers consider breeding and acquiring some birds in cages inside their homes to hear the sounds of the birds twittering and enjoying the beautiful atmosphere of the house.
One of the most famous types of canary domestic birds is one of the most popular birds for decoration and recreation. But many wonder why their canary birds do not sing? of course we're talking about male birds, because female canaries do not sing, this might have a range of reasons behind it.

1- The age of your canary:

How Do I Make My Canary Bird Sing?

If the birds are young, its natural that they're not going to sing fluently, so you just have to wait. Also old birds don't sing if approximately over ten years old.

2- Sudden change in the place:

How Do I Make My Canary Bird Sing?

If you change your canary's cage location suddenly, it could stop singing and it needs time to adapt to the new place, it may be some time before returning to sing in up to several weeks.

3- Restlessness:

How Do I Make My Canary Bird Sing?

in terms of cage tightness or insufficient capacity for the bird's comfort.

4- The stage of feather-changing:

How Do I Make My Canary Bird Sing?

the stage of falling feathers from the body because of the change of atmosphere and high temperature and increase the length of the day, and extends this stage to about two months, be during the summer (and sometimes vary in time), and in this period the males stop singing until the blades are completely replaced.