The success of a canary breeding (canary breeding) requires a preliminary organization, specialized equipment and specific food.Canaries are not naturally social birds: placing a male and a female in the same cage can sometimes lead to more disasters than eggs.
Knowing how to properly raise canaries is important to ensure an optimal environment for birds.

1. The selection.
The process begins with the selection of couples being absolutely vigilant on their pedigrees (avoid birds with defects ...)
Organize the reproduction:
- By the numbering of cages and partners,
- according to the characteristics of the reproduction
- By the numbering of cages and partners,
- according to the characteristics of the reproduction
Keep the canaries separate until the breeding season.
Males can fight each other and kill the female if she is not ready to breed.
Their cages can, however, be kept in the same room.
Males can fight each other and kill the female if she is not ready to breed.
Their cages can, however, be kept in the same room.
2. Watch for signs that show they are "ready".
Signs that males are ready: they drop their wings when they sing, their song gets louder, they can dance around their perch and they can seem more territorial when other males are nearby.
The females start tearing paper, as if preparing a nest. But the most obvious sign is the lower belly, which becomes red and swollen. They can also "squat" when the males are nearby.
Signs that males are ready: they drop their wings when they sing, their song gets louder, they can dance around their perch and they can seem more territorial when other males are nearby.
The females start tearing paper, as if preparing a nest. But the most obvious sign is the lower belly, which becomes red and swollen. They can also "squat" when the males are nearby.
3. Introduce the male canary with the female.
There are special breeding cages that allow male and female canaries to get used to each other without the male injuring the female. These cages are divided in two with a removable grid.
There are special breeding cages that allow male and female canaries to get used to each other without the male injuring the female. These cages are divided in two with a removable grid.
4. Install a nest
The nests can be made of iron or plastic. You can place a felted nest bottom to help build the nest. Leave the couple with materials for the construction of their nest sisal type, sharpie ...
Do not remove the separation grid until the female has not begun the construction of its nest.
The nests can be made of iron or plastic. You can place a felted nest bottom to help build the nest. Leave the couple with materials for the construction of their nest sisal type, sharpie ...
Do not remove the separation grid until the female has not begun the construction of its nest.
Nest building is a slow process requiring 3-6 days, with the help of the male.
During nest construction, the male inseminates the female with very short contacts.
During nest construction, the male inseminates the female with very short contacts.
5. Give a proper diet
During the nest building period, give a mixture of fortified seeds and a small piece of fruit a day.
You will also provide a cuttlebone to promote calcium intake that will allow the production of healthy eggs. Vitamins and calcium supplements can be added to drinking water or food.
During the nest building period, give a mixture of fortified seeds and a small piece of fruit a day.
You will also provide a cuttlebone to promote calcium intake that will allow the production of healthy eggs. Vitamins and calcium supplements can be added to drinking water or food.
6. From egg-laying to hatching.
A few days later the female lays the first egg after a short but laborious process. Eggs are 4 to 7 days old for an average of 5 eggs.
A few days later the female lays the first egg after a short but laborious process. Eggs are 4 to 7 days old for an average of 5 eggs.
Remove the eggs as they are laid and replace them with dummy eggs. When the last egg is laid, put all the eggs back in the nest to achieve simultaneous incubation of newborns.
The incubation lasts 14 days and the newborns hatch without assistance.
7. Feeding and weaning
After incubation, feeding of newborns begins. During the first 3-4 days, the female feeds the birds exclusively on her own reserves. The male feeds the female regularly, so that she does not abandon the nest, which would expose the chick to cold.
To ensure the success of the brood, the farmer provides a daily supply of protein and calcium and vitamins. Egg pies are an indispensable complement to the diet of young chicks.
After incubation, feeding of newborns begins. During the first 3-4 days, the female feeds the birds exclusively on her own reserves. The male feeds the female regularly, so that she does not abandon the nest, which would expose the chick to cold.
To ensure the success of the brood, the farmer provides a daily supply of protein and calcium and vitamins. Egg pies are an indispensable complement to the diet of young chicks.
8. Bag the chicks
This is often between the 6th and the 8th day. The chicks are banded with closed rings marked with the year, the breeder's number, a serial number and the country of breeding.
This is often between the 6th and the 8th day. The chicks are banded with closed rings marked with the year, the breeder's number, a serial number and the country of breeding.
9. The cycle begins again ...
After 13-16 days, the female concentrates her energy on the construction of a new nest. So, make sure to put the old nest and chicks in a nest in the bottom of the breeding cage or put the removable partition of the cage by putting the chicks on the other side either with the father or with the mother alone, or with the couple on one side and the chicks on the other to be fed through the grate.
After 13-16 days, the female concentrates her energy on the construction of a new nest. So, make sure to put the old nest and chicks in a nest in the bottom of the breeding cage or put the removable partition of the cage by putting the chicks on the other side either with the father or with the mother alone, or with the couple on one side and the chicks on the other to be fed through the grate.
10. Separate chicks from parents.
Once the chicks begin to eat alone and are weaned, you can remove them, and place them in their own cage. This usually happens after 3 weeks. They will be put in a spacious cage, with appropriate food.
The male is often very tired, it must be allowed a recovery time of two or three days to recover during which it will be left alone.
Once the chicks begin to eat alone and are weaned, you can remove them, and place them in their own cage. This usually happens after 3 weeks. They will be put in a spacious cage, with appropriate food.
The male is often very tired, it must be allowed a recovery time of two or three days to recover during which it will be left alone.