I will try to explain briefly the various periods that are five. I will begin naturally with the month of January.

1) The rest period:
It covers the entire month of January, this allows our birds to enjoy a great tranquility and this will promote the formation of fat reserves that will be very useful during breeding.
In addition to the seed diet, you must provide seasonal fruits and vegetables. In addition, 2 distributions during the month, of water-soluble vitamins, these will strengthen our care.
2) Preparation: for breeding (from February 1st to March 15th)
This period is very important because it conditions the success of the breeding.
In addition to the ration of seeds, fruits and vegetables, a weekly supplement of egg pie and sprouted seeds will complete it.
The alternating distribution of these 2 new elements is highly recommended by many breeders. In addition 2 times a week, we will give vitamins in the drinking water.
3) The formation of couples:
This period runs from March 15 to 21
Mix of seeds, fruits, greens, egg pie, sprouted seeds, vitamins are the food and daily menu of our Canaries.
4) The breeding period:
From March 21, it ends around July 15
This period is broken down into four (4) phases, each of which requires different care.
1 ° At brooding: the seed mixture is sufficient to feed the birds.
2 ° The hatching: requires that we add eggfood to the egg.
3 ° During rearing: the diet provided at hatching is continued daily
4 ° The weaning: more or less 35 days given the fragility of the beak of the chicks, the diet is then as follows: Mix of sprouted seeds, fruits , various greens, crushed seeds.
5) The moult:
Adult moulting begins around July 15 and ends in late September.